Ka New York Times'i artiklid on vaja enne tõlkimist üle kontrollida. Loomulikult ei lastud merre rauapuru, mis mingil moel vees lahustuma ei kipu, muidu peaksid peale igat suuremat merelahingut ookeanid õitsema, vaid ikkagi vees hästi lahustuvat raudsulfaati.
(In 2012 Russ George, founder of Planktos, and collaborators conducted an iron fertilization experiment dumping 100 tonnes of iron sulphate into the Pacific Ocean from a fishing boat in an eddy 200 nautical miles west of the islands of Haida Gwaii which resulted in increased algae growth over 10,000 square miles)
(In 2012 Russ George, founder of Planktos, and collaborators conducted an iron fertilization experiment dumping 100 tonnes of iron sulphate into the Pacific Ocean from a fishing boat in an eddy 200 nautical miles west of the islands of Haida Gwaii which resulted in increased algae growth over 10,000 square miles)